Acupuncture and Manual Therpaies

Acupuncture dry needling for Pain Relief, Cupping, and Gua Sha

The practice of acupuncture began about 3,000 years ago of development and refinement. Acupuncture is itself a complete medical system that is used as a means of treating and preventing diseases through the application of needles to specific points on the body that lie on meridians which eventually lead to an internal organ and normalize its function.  A sound and safe medicine, acupuncture is general medicine that is effective in healing a wide range of specific problems and diseases without side effects.  Any condition you would go to an M.D. for, you may come to Middle Path Acupuncture for.

The core philosophy of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture acknowledges the significance of a person’s lifestyle, diet, mental health, body, emotions, and spirit in identifying the root cause of a health problem. Once the root cause is identified and the pattern of symptoms understood, I can then treat my patients and their conditions, reversing patterns of health imbalance and preventing future relapse.


Manual Therapies

Removing Your Pain With Complementary Manual Therapy

I practice three styles of manual therapy to complement acupuncture treatments for pain.

– Acupressure is a style of bodywork that works with the acupuncture point meridian system to release congested energy, invigorate blood flow and stretch fascia. The type I use is a Chinese style of acupressure called Tui Na.

– Myofascial Trigger Point Release is the contribution of Dr. Janet Travell, M.D. and Dr. David Simon, M.D. Their breakthrough research into the predictable patterns of where we feel pain and where its source is located makes it truly unparalleled. Pain in the shoulder blade that is coming from a tight muscle in the neck? This and other patterns  of referred pain I see every week in my office. Knowing human anatomy very well and having  the ability to treat these painful trigger points is necessary to resolve or give lasting relief of chronic pain.

– A.R.T. stands for Active Release Technique. By pressing sore trigger points while the patient actively engages the muscle we retrain muscles to function properly after releasing them with acupuncture.


Cupping is suction therapy applied whenever the root of the health problem is excessively tight muscles that are close to the surface. The plastic cups are applied to a patient’s back, neck, legs, shoulders or arms to pull out the chemicals that accumulate in a muscle that is in semi-spasm and not receiving a healthy supply of fresh blood. As a result oxygenated blood can flow in to rehabilitate the dysfunctional muscle, relieve symptoms of pain or discomfort and improve range of motion.  It often leaves bruise marks. Read More

Gua Sha

Gua sha is the application of a gentle scraping therapy. It is most commonly used to help break up scar tissue that has formed in muscles or the surrounding connective tissue, fascia.  It tends to leave bruise marks.


Acupuncture is suitable for most people, regardless of age or health condition. It can be beneficial for individuals seeking relief from various physical and mental health issues, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and stress. However, it is essential to consult with a qualified acupuncturist who can assess your specific needs and medical history to ensure acupuncture is appropriate for you. Pregnant women, people with bleeding disorders, or those taking anticoagulants should discuss potential risks and benefits with their healthcare provider before starting acupuncture treatments.

Yes, acupuncture can be safely combined with Western medical treatments. It is often used as a complementary therapy to enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments and provide additional relief from symptoms. Many patients find that acupuncture helps reduce the side effects of medications, speeds up recovery, and improves overall well-being. It is essential to inform both your acupuncturist and your primary healthcare provider about all the treatments you are receiving to ensure coordinated and safe care.

Acupuncture is generally not painful. The needles used are very thin, much finer than those used for injections or blood tests. Most people feel little to no discomfort when the needles are inserted. Some may experience a slight tingling, a dull ache, or a sensation of warmth, which indicates the treatment is working. The acupuncturist's skill and technique can also influence the comfort level of the procedure. If you feel any significant discomfort, inform your acupuncturist so adjustments can be made.

Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body, often referred to as acupoints, to promote healing and balance within the body's systems. This is achieved through the insertion of fine, sterile needles into these points. The stimulation of acupoints is believed to influence the flow of energy, or Qi, through pathways known as meridians. This can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health by restoring the body's natural balance and promoting its self-healing capabilities.